The Primary Care
Premises Forum

Primary Care Premises Forum is an association of a number of organisations and individuals from the private sector with extensive specialist knowledge of the provision of primary care premises throughout the UK. Its members include investors, developers, bankers, surveyors, lawyers and other professionals with a range of public sector guest members. It has been established to promote best practice within its area of expertise.

Valuation of Medical Centre and Surgery Premises


RICS is carrying out a public consultation on the update to the Valuation of medical centre and surgery premises 2nd edition and has requested feedback from PCPF members on the draft professional standard.

Members are encouraged to respond using the RICS Iconsult portal, 

click here to access the portal.

The consultation is open until Friday 4th October 2024 23:59 UK time.


Thinking differently…

Conventional wisdom holds that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ and there is no doubt that Covid-19 has forced a degree of innovation into public services, particularly primary care.

NHS Resolution

Premises Costs CMR Guidance

Following several applications for NHS dispute resolution that were outside of the three years in which parties have to apply, NHS Resolution (NHSR) have revised their guidance on GP’s Contractors appealing against the level of the CMR assessed by DVS for reimbursement.

The amendment to the Guidance Note is dated 10th January 2024 and a copy can be found on the members’ page. It states that any appeal to NHSR must be lodged within 3 years from the date that the ICB informs the Contractor of the new level of rent.

If LDR is still ongoing, but the three year mark is drawing near, NHSR suggest that parties apply for NHS dispute resolution noting that Local Dispute Resolution (LDR) is still ongoing. NHSR will place the case on hold so that parties can complete LDR without ‘running out of time’. The PCPF have clarified with NHSR that It is not correct to say that LDR finishes at the three year mark but failure to lodge any appeal certainly takes away the strength of any negotiation.

NHS Resolution new protocol

NHS Resolution have released their new protocol for GPs and their valuers engaged in Local Dispute Resolution on rent reimbursement.

Forthcoming Events

Spring Networking Event, London 15 May 2025

From 5.30-8pm at Cushman & Wakefield, 125 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AR

Guest speaker followed by a drinks and canape reception

Northern  Networking Event, Manchester 18 June 2025

From 5.30-8pm at the offices of Avison Young

Guest speaker  followed by a drinks and canape reception

AGM & Annual Conference, London 20 November 2025

Full day event at The King’s Fund, 11 Cavendish Square, London

Members can login in to view the speakers’ slides from our previous events

Our events are  free to attend for all members.  If  you would like to join the Forum and attend our future events please get in touch.

Membership enquiry form


or contact our Membership Secretary, Sue Tappenden MA ACG


Members can login to view the slides from our previous webinars.

Our next webinar is to be arranged. Further details will be posted here soon.